PipeFuze is a specialized solution for repairing leaks in liquid systems, particularly effective in swimming pool repairs. This innovative solution seals leaks from the inside, offering an alternative to traditional, often invasive and destructive repair methods. For more information on multiple PipeFuze applications, read this blog article: Multiple PipeFuze Applications for Pool Leak Repair.

Understanding Swimming Pool Leaks

Leaks in swimming pools can be elusive and vary in origin. They can stem from cracks in the pool structure, faulty plumbing, or compromised fittings. Identifying these leaks early is crucial to maintaining pool integrity and water quality. PipeFuze and LeakShot products are great solutions to repair minor leaks in swimming pools and spas. For leaks caused by structural cracks and broken pipes, check out these other repair solutions. PipeFuze employs a two-part polymer process that fills and seals leaks internally, bypassing the need for extensive physical repairs. This non-invasive approach is ideal for pools, promoting quick and effective leak resolution.

The PipeFuze Solution

Here is an easy step-by-step guide on the PipeFuze applications instructions for homeowners:

  1. First, perform a pressure test on the line you are about to inject. Bring pressure up to 10-15 lbs. For a smaller diameter pipe, the pressure should be on the smaller end of pressure, for a larger diameter pipe, the pressure should be at the upper end. If you notice more than a 5 lbs. drop in 30 seconds, chances are that the break is too large for PipeFuze to handle and there is a good chance the deck need to be cut.
  2. Then, determine the inflow and outflow of the pipe you are repairing. If the line has multiple inlets or outlets, it may be necessary to either shut them or plug them with a plug.
  3. Next, insert the Pipe Injector into the inflow side of line and the return rig into the predetermined outflow side of the line.
  4. Set mixing bin on a flat surface anywhere centered between the injection rig and return rig and fill halfway with water.
  5. Set the injector pump into the mixing bin and connect the female side of the hose (supplied) to the pump. Connect the male side of the same hose to the injection rig.
  6. Connect the female side of the other hose (supplied) to the return rig and connect the male end of the same hose in the mixing tank.
  7. Check to make sure there are no kinks in any of the hoses. After this is done, plug in the injector pump and wait to ensure the line is primed completely and the air purging is complete.
  8. SHAKE PART A VIGOROUSLY FOR NO LESS THAN 1 MINUTE. Then, pour entire contents of Part A into bin. Reinstall injector plug back into line firmly and plug the injector pump back in.
  9. Let the system run for approximately 2 hours, but keep an eye on the bin to see if there is major water loss. If there is, then the leak clearly the leak is still present. Add another bottle of “Part A” and refill the bin halfway and repeat the process above while watching the level.
  10. SHAKE PART B VIGOROUSLY FOR NO LESS THAN 1 MINUTE. Pour the entire contents of Part B (Catalyst Hardener) into the mixing bin and allow the pump to run continuously for approximately 2 hours. For best results, if possible, run part B for a maximum of 3 hours.
  11. Disconnect the injection rig and the return rig and clean with water. Clean out mixing bin and rinse pump with water as well.

When to Run PipeFuze Multiple Times

Apply PipeFuze according to product instructions, ensuring proper mixing and application rates. At this point, you can either pressure test the line you are repairing or return the pool, spa, or water feature to service. If leaks persist, reevaluate the affected area and reapply following the initial waiting period. After running PipeFuze the first time, we recommend conducting a pressure test on the line you repaired. If the pressure holds, it means the first PipeFuze application was successful and you repaired the leak. However, if the pressure test indicates a drop, which means the plumbing line is not holding pressure, you can safely proceed to repeating the PipeFuze application process for a second attempt at repairing the leak.

Safety and Efficacy

Using PipeFuze multiple times is generally safe as long as you follow the application instructions. There is minimal risk to the pool structure or water quality, making it a preferred method for ongoing maintenance. PipeFuze offers a reliable and safe option for addressing swimming pool leaks. Your ability to reapply it makes it an invaluable tool for pool maintenance.



Lastly, for more information on PipeFuze or to explore its applications for your pool, visit the PipeFuze website or contact us to connect you to a pool repair specialist near you.