Some leaks can be hard to repair and in the swimming pool or plumbing industry, being able to fix leaks efficiently is very important. For example, repairing underground leaks without a shovel can be quite difficult. This is where PipeFuze and LeakShot come in. In this blog post, we are comparing PipeFuze products to competitors’.
What is PipeFuze?
PipeFuze is a 2 part, low-pressure injection system used for both pool and plumbing leaks. When a leaking pipe runs beneath concrete, behind a pool, or in a wall and destructive construction appears to be the only choice for repairing the pipe, PipeFuze provides an alternative that does not require the use of a shovel.
PipeFuze is a 2 part system made up of the following:
- Polymer filler – This proprietary mix of materials is a special combination that plugs and closes gaps in PVC, Steel, Clay, Copper, and any other type of plumbing material.
- A catalyst (or hardener) – After the polymer and filler, the catalyst is injected. The catalyst (also known as a hardener) makes a molecular link with the polymer and holds it in place, resulting in a hard, sealed connection at the location of the leak.

What is LeakShot?
LeakShot is designed to fix leaks in pools, spas, fountains, ponds, and vinyl liners that don’t require structural repair. LeakShot adheres to the leaking substance and cures to form a tough and long-lasting seal making it ideal for small leaks in vinyl liners. It can also be used as a preventive maintenance item. Keep possible leak spots from becoming an issue by using LeakShot on a regular basis in your pool, spa, or fountain.

Comparing PipeFuze Products to Competitors’
To understand what makes PipeFuze products so valuable, it helps to understand its main competitors.
Fix-A-Leak is a special type of blended condensed material designed to cover, seal, and fix leaks in basically any type of material. It can be used for leaks in many scenarios and does technically work for plumbing. Fix-A-Leak can seal holes that are very small in diameter and will form a long-lasting seal. While Fix-A-Leak is known to fix small leaks in vessels, it is technically not completely effective in plumbing.
Another product available on the market is Lo-Chlor Leak Sealer, however, it is only applicable to fixing minor leaks in PVC pipes only.
PipeFuze is the only 2 part product on the market that is injected into the leaking pipe making a tight and hardened seal and is available in several complete kits to help homeowners and contractors repair small leaks in swimming pools and plumbing lines. An advantage to PipeFuze is being able to purchase solution refills if necessary or if you supply the other necessary components to perform the application.
PipeFuze Could Change the Way You Conduct Pipe Repairs
To learn more about PipeFuze, take a look at our informative videos. These videos include step-by-step demonstrations of how to use both of our products to repair small swimming pools, spas, irrigation systems, and plumbing lines leaks. You can also easily explore common topics discussed under the Blog tab of our website.
Ready to change the way you do pipe repairs without deconstruction? PipeFuze is here to help. If you have any questions or need more information, contact us at (818) 436-2953. We’re looking forward to working with you!